Playtesting and the need for research

Caputured Playtest for Reference:

A new 3D model has been built. It is a enemy dwelling that was originally designed last year. Looking good but more lighting is needed. Looking at other games for inspiration on color design. Also reading a book on level design by Christopher Totten. New insights to come from there.

The team has also been able to make slow progress on level 2.  Adding new scenes where we try to maximize the fun killing the enemy. However the art director felt there was a need to do more research on 2D and 3D shooters that try telling a story.  The new Doom game seems to have done that but instead of researching that, it was decided to go back to a more classic game like Deus Ex. 

Loaded the mod version on Steam and began to play that but no revelations yet. Most of the story comes through cut scenes at the start. Though, the narrator dialog HUD with different characters offering advice is an interesting way to engage the player.

It was also decided that the fight scenes in PN should not be mixed with narration that is spoken to the player. So while the basic play is good, we need to stretch out the level and include some jumping/climbing gameplay. That's on the to-list for next week.

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